Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brand Image

PepsiCo's brand image comes across most obviously in the personality that the brand obtains. PepsiCo products are fun, wholesome, classic, and almost friendly. They are the affordable products that everyone has. They are seen as the all-American products.

Soda is not recognized as soda or cola, it's understood as Pepsi. Oatmeal isn't just breakfast, its Quaker Oats. Chips are Fritos and cereal is Captain Crunch. Sports drinks are Gatorade. The producst are so well known that they are called by the product name rather than what the product actually is. The brand sponsors all the favorite pastimes such as sports and the logos and advertisements are everywhere to be seen by the masses.

PepsiCo brand comes across as reliable because the PR people work so hard to get it seen everywhere and used by influential opinion leaders in our society. It is even advertised and used internationally making it not just a well know American product, but also a world wide known product. The PR people put PepsiCo products everywhere so that they are always available to the public and become a familiar tie wherever you may go.

The advertising is always flashy or eye catching, featuring celebrity endorsements to draw in more consumers. For example, Britney Spears once did a series of Pepsi commercials that aired during the Super Bowl then continued to air over the next few months.

I think the PR people do a great job working with PepsiCo. Millions upon millions know about all their products but also use them and continue to come back to the products. This is the mark of successful PR.

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